Sunday, January 22, 2012

Little Floyd on a snowy day

This young male hummngbird comes to the feeder many times every day. He has a branch on our dogwood tree that he sits on when he isn't feeding. I hope to one day get a photo of the beautiful purple gorget (yes, I had to look that up, I didn't know the name either )


Jo said...

awe, Floyd is truly beautiful!

Izzy said...

This photo is stunning!

ScrappeeDiane said...

Great photo, you are so lucky to have such a beautiful backyard that invites so many wonders of nature to visit.

Kathy said...

I always tell people about the amazing photos my friend Sue captures of these beautiful little creatures. I don't know how you do it! I'd have to sit at balcony window 24/7 and not ever look away they are just way too fast for me!